Extemporaneous Speaking

Please refer to FCCLA National’s Web Site for Star Events Guide:

…from the .pdf Competitive Events Guide under programs, skill events pages 55-60.

Click here to access the necessary forms …(FCCLA National Web Site)


Extemporaneous is an individual event, recognizes participants for their ability to address a topic relating to FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences without prior preparation. The ability to express one’s thoughts in an impromptu situation while maintaining poise, self-confidence, logical organization of point, and conversational speaking are important assets in family, career and community situations. Participants will be given a subject pertaining to FCS and FCCLA issues. They will have 10 minutes to prepare the speech, with no resources or access to internet, books, notes, etc. Speech will be given to the judges and must be less than 5 minutes in length. Judges will then be able to ask questions for up to 5 minutes.