Public Relations – Project

Public Relations Officer – Gracelyn Troxell

State Officers Project:

See Guidelines here.

Gracelyn Troxell

Career Connection guides students to discover their pathway through four essential units:

  • My Skills – Students learn about themselves and practice being productive, promotable employees as they link their personal interests, skills, and goals to careers.
  • My Life – Students learn to manage interconnected roles in careers, families, and communities by exploring choices and skills that help balance these roles.
  • My Career – Students gain a better understanding of work and learn how to find and land a job.
  • My Path – Students identify steps they can take to reach career and lifestyle goals.

Career Connections Project Guidelines:

As a chapter plan and execute two events based two of the four parts of Career Connections:

  1. My Skills
  2. My Life
  3. My Career
  4. My Path

Then submit a portfolio with pictures from the events, a summary of what the events were and at least three statements from people about how the events benefited them.

How to apply:

Create Your portfolio using Word or an application of your choice, then email it to:

Examples of Events:

  1. Host a job fair with people from around the community connecting to My Career
  2. Host a talent night connecting to My Skills


Public Relations Officer: Gracelyn Troxell